General Information

Licenses for GMRS are issued by the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC is located at 44 L Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20554. General phone number is (888) CALL-FCC (225-5322) and FAX is (866) 418-0232.

The FCC is divided into bureaus, and the bureau that governs GMRS is the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, phone (202) 418-0600, FAX (202) 418-0787. The bureau that enforces the Rules and Regulations is the Enforcement Bureau, which can be reached through the FCC general phone and fax numbers listed above.

The FCC web site is found at, and the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau page is found here. General information about GMRS is on this FCC web page.

FCC licenses for GMRS are now issued for 10 years, and require a $35 filing fee (as of April 19th, 2022) ($3.50/year). Renewals of 5-year or 10-year licenses likewise currently cost $35. This fee is subject to periodic automatic cost of living increases. A GMRS license allows you, and members of your family, §1705(c)(2) to transmit VOICE communications.

The complete current FCC Rules and Regulations for GMRS can be found at this U.S. Government Printing Office site. Note that GMRS is Part 95 (SubParts A and E) of the FCC Rules and Regulations. The Rules are also available online here.

Applying for a License

In general the steps to get an FCC license for GMRS (FCC Radio Service Code: ZA) are:

  1. Obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) - FCC Form 160
  2. Apply for a GMRS License - FCC Form 605
  3. Pay the $35 fee - FCC Form 159?

You must now apply on the internet (online), by mail with paper forms has been discontinued by the FCC.

Electronic Filing

1)  To being the online filing process and for general information, click here.

2)   Click this page to apply for your FCC Registration Number (FRN) (FCC Form 160) electronically. Required first.

3)  To then apply for your GMRS license (FCC Form 605), click here.

Paper Instructions and Forms

We hope this helps you in getting your FCC license and call sign for GMRS. Good luck!!!!

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North Shore Emergency Association

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